Saturday, 14 July 2012

Hair issues

I have an issue. 
I can not decide whether or not to go back blonde/blonde-ish or stay my red colour.

This is me blonde.
What do we think?


dance school

Next week, I begin a summer course at Laban Trinity Dance which I am ridiculously excited for. I have literally been sorting my dance attire out today and practising a few things as I feel I am so unfit and really not that flexible at the moment so I'm a tad scared I'll be terrible and stand out like a sore thumb! But fingers crossed this won't be the case. 

I'm going to take lots of photos over the next two weeks and hopefully then review my course and have more decisions made about whether I am strong enough to audition for dance schools etc. It's a tough one, but I think this course will help me see where I stand in the ranking!

Anyway, purely for my entertainment and hopefully some of you will enjoy it too, I have put together some beautiful photographs of incredible dancers to get me in the dancing-spirit (not that that is too hard!). Enjoy!


Andrew Gallimore explores the bright future of beauty.

My brother once again shocking the whole family with his quirky videos and pictures. Oh the joys of being a model! Scary video but the make-up is absolutely incredible. I want it done for a shoot!

I have recently worked at Nova Festival for an acting job for The Flicker Club which if you ask me was totally creepy as well. We all had to wear rabbit masks promoting Jan Svankmajer's 1988 film version of Alice in Wonderland. It was a strange job and we had to do it in the pouring rain and muddy fields but we had a lot of fun and got some really cool photographs.

Ok, so admittedly my brothers pictures are oh so cool and mine are just strange...but, hey ho!

What do you think?!