I think it's time for a change.
Yes, I said it. I believe it. I mean it. I know it. (the list could go on). I haven't brought this decision on completely by myself, in fact I've had many wonderful people around me to help me make this huge decision. Some things have happened in the recent weeks that I wished had not happened but I can not live by regrets, nor can I turn back time so I may as well look to the future, live in the now and forget the bad that has recently been.
I came across this amazing site yesterday, just when I needed it the most.
please read it, especially if you're needing a little 'pick-me-up'!
I am ready to take on a new challenge. Whether this means I stay on the same path as I have been for years or diverting off in a different direction, who knows? This week I am preparing for lots of tears, upsets, arguments until I decide on a path I may be content with. I want to be an actress (and this will always stand) but right now, I need to focus on something a little more direct. I need to feel as though I am achieving something, getting somewhere and not feeling as lost as I've felt recently. Sometimes, when you are doing something so difficult such as trying to achieve a career as an actress, you can feel as though you take one step forward and another ten back. This, for me, right now isn't helping me in a personal way. I need to see some kind of progress, whether that's in a career sense, within a relationship or even just in myself, I just need to see it and feel it. Probably taking a while out of this harsh audition and rejection process I may gain something which I would never have gained if I didn't make this leap. I know, I will always want to do this. I want to be on stage, entertaining, performing, making people smile, laugh, cry...but maybe some time away will make it more possible than holding on in an unhealthy way. Plus, there's more to life. And the more of life I see, the better I will be in the end at this 'acting-thing'! Haha! But it's true, it isn't the end of me trying. It's just the beginning.
